Project Title: Human Perception in Ecological Scenes Principal Investigator: James Traer

We invite you to participate in a research study being conducted by investigators from The University of Iowa. The purpose of this research study is to study how the brain makes sense of complex images and sounds.
If you agree to participate, we would like you to look at images, or videos, or listen to sound clips, and answer some simple questions about them. There will be a brief survey in which you are free to skip any questions that you prefer not to answer. The entire study will take no more than 90 minutes.
If you are performing this task for payment you will be paid $8.00 per hour. If you are performing this task for course credit in a University of Iowa course you will receive 1 standard Credit per hour. You may contact your course instructor for other options for equivalent course credit (usually reading and writing assignments) if you prefer not to take part.
We will not collect your name or any identifying information about you. It will not be possible to link you to your responses on the survey.
Taking part in this research study is completely voluntary. If you do not wish to participate in this study, you are free to leave any time without answering any of the questions.
If you have questions about the rights of research subjects, please contact the Human Subjects Office, 105 Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, 600 Newton Rd, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1098, (319) 335-6564, or e-mail
We encourage you to ask questions. If you have any questions about the research study itself, please contact: James Traer, 319-467-4544
Thank you very much for your consideration of this research study.
By clicking this button I acknowledge I have read and agreed to the terms above.